samedi 2 octobre 2010

Good Call, Baby Doll

So yesterday I tried with all my heart to go dancing, BUT SADLY IT DID NOT HAPPEN. Why? Because all my friends were too drunk. We spent 2 hours on the Corbeau (one of the main streets in Aix) drinking, and freezing my little booties off (I don't have any pants here, which I'll explain why in another post). Tired of dancing in the street by myself (Snooki Style) to keep warm, I tried to Shepard these drunken lambs to the dance clubs, but by the time they got there they were all full and someone had a stomach ache, so we went home. You know that song, Safety Dance? You can dance if you want to, you can LEAVE YOUR FRIENDS BEHIND? I think they were trying to send a personal message to me. But who wants to dance in a club without some friends to back up your awkward moves? Alas, there will be so many other nights of dancing, I've got to let this one go.

The night was not a complete failure, however. This weekend in Aix is the Transportation festival. This means that they had a lot of transportation type activities going on during the day, but more importantly ALL THE BUSES WERE FREE THIS WEEKEND. Hell yeah!!! Although I already have a bus pass, I was like FREE RIDES ALL DAY MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!

Anyway, in the Corbeau they had this inflatable archway set up.

I got to see a drunken girl knock it over and run away. It was pretty funny because it stopped traffic and people were getting their panties in a bunch. I ran over and with the help of some of the disgruntled drivers whose cars were blocked, we got it back up. Go team teamwork!

In other news, today my friend Ben from Seattle and I went on a Venture run. Best. Idea. Ever. We ran around the city for two hours, climbing on trees and roofs, trying to get ourselves lost, and stopping at every fountain we saw to take a dip. At one fountain, when I took off my shoes and socks, I accidentally placed my socks into a puddle of water. I didn't know what to do! I could not put these wet ass socks back on! Luckily, we realized there was one of those wash-o-terias across the street from the fountain. Inside, we found a whole box dedicated to random socks people had left behind!
The socks that saved my life today
You might be thinking, God Angela, you are pretty gross. You don't know where those socks have been. But let's review the facts. I was desperate. I was an hour away from home so I could not walk home barefoot. I could not put my wet socks on because I would get athlete's foot or something (and that squishy feeling of wet socks is just too gross), and I had just been swimming in dirty ass fountain water anyway. I am on a whole other level of not giving a fuck at this point. And speaking of not giving a fuck, Ben and I ran through this park where we saw these 15 year old french boys playing basketball. One had this great shirt of a hand flipping the bird saying  DON'T GIVE A FUCK. He wrote the name of the store he bought it from on my arm with a yellow paint pen (which he was probably using to write some profanity on a bathroom stall somewhere-- he was quite the demon rebel!)

I know it's hard to read, but is says "COREZONE". I am going to buy the same shirt as that rascal
Also, found a kind of cool shirt on the ground today. I DO BELIEVE IN MIRACLES.
Who would throw out this zebra/floral design?

In conclusion, I will leave you with this quote from Shel Silverstein:

"Listen to the musn'ts child,
Listen to the don'ts.
Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the wont's.
Listen to the never haves,
Then listen close to me
Anything can happen child,
Anything can be."

1 commentaire:

  1. Lemme borrow that top!

    Also, I love your blog, guuurrrrl. And I introduced Michelle Dobson and Rane Dearing to "Smell yo' Dick" last night. Missin' you hardcore.
